About Us

Mission and Vision

DemocracyNow! is committed to providing independent and unbiased news coverage from around the world. Our mission is to empower and inform the public by unearthing the truth, challenging conventional narratives, and focusing on those marginalized by the mainstream media. Through our insightful journalism, critical analysis, and compelling stories, we strive to foster an informed and engaged citizenry capable of advancing social justice, equality, and democratic values.


DemocracyNow! was founded in 1996 by the visionary journalist Democritus Sage, an uncompromising advocate for open and honest media. As an accomplished journalist himself, Sage recognized the need for a platform that would fill the void left by corporate-controlled news outlets. Democritus's lifelong commitment to the principles of journalism led him to create an independent space where quality reporting could flourish, free from the influence of advertisers and political influencers.

The Birth of DemocracyNow!

DemocracyNow! was initially established as a daily public access television show in New York City. Recognizing the potential of the internet as a transformative tool for disseminating news, we decided to launch a website in 1998, expanding our reach beyond the confines of television. This momentous decision allowed us to present our thought-provoking content to a broader global audience, spearheading a digital revolution in journalistic practices.

Objective and Target Audience

The primary objective of DemocracyNow! is to provide reliable and unwavering reporting on critical national and international issues. Our purpose is to amplify underrepresented voices, often challenging state and corporate power, to effect lasting change. We strive to incite the curiosity and engagement of our viewers and readers, empowering them to become active participants in socio-political discourse.

Our target audience encompasses individuals who seek authentic and accurate news that delves deeper into systems of power and inequality. We cater to those who are dissatisfied with the conventional coverage provided by mainstream media and desire an expansive understanding of current events.

Unique Value

What sets DemocracyNow! apart is the outstanding team of experienced and highly skilled editors, journalists, and team members who work tirelessly behind the scenes. They bring years of professional expertise, genuine passion for uncovering the facts, and unwavering commitment to journalistic integrity. Their dedication allows us to deliver the analysis and stories that truly matter, presenting different perspectives and giving voice to those often ignored by others.

We pride ourselves on offering comprehensive, substantiated, and non-sensationalized coverage on issues ranging from social justice, climate change, human rights, and more. DemocracyNow! is a source you can trust to provide nuanced perspectives and in-depth reporting, often venturing into the stories often ignored by mainstream media.

By embracing open-mindedness, impartiality, and accountability, DemocracyNow! stands as an authoritative source of news you can rely on to deepen your understanding of the world and inspire you to take meaningful action.

If you have any questions, please Contact Us.